Editorial Policies

Focus and Scope


JIK (Jurnal Ilmu Kesehatan) is a open access medical Journal. JIK is published by STIKes Alifah Padang. It is an specialty Journal accept article from Midwifery, Nursing and Public health sciences.




Section Policies


Checked Open Submissions Checked Indexed Checked Peer Reviewed

Peer Review Process

Articles sent to this journal will pass through two stages of review, namely pre-review and substance review.

The pre-review of the article was carried out by the editor's team to see the suitability of the article with the focus and scope of the journal as well as the style of confinement. An examination of elements of plagiarism is done through searches on Google Scholar and Grammarly. The duration of the Pre-review is between 1-2 weeks.

The substantial review is carried out by at least 2 reviewers. The duration of the review is between 3-8 weeks. If desired, the reviewer can request a review after the author has revised the article.

The decision to accept an article to be published is the authority of the Editor's Chair based on recommendations from reviewers. Articles that have been declared accepted and have been layout will be published in the In Progress number in the next number before the regular number is published according to the schedule so that it can be indexed and citable immediately.

If you want to be a reviewer in the JIK journal, please complete the online application form. You must include a description of the field of interest in your research. We will register you as a reviewer and writer in JIK journal within 3 working days. Account information in the form of a username and password will be sent to your email.

Articles published in JIK journals are reviewed in advance by a Reviewer before being published. The decision to accept or not an article is made by the Chair of the Editor in the forum of the Editorial Board based on recommendations or comments from the Reviewer.

Screening Plagiarism for texts that enter this journal is done with the help of Google Scholar, Grammarly, or Turnitin application.


Publication Frequency

JIK (Jurnal Ilmu Kesehatan) : Jurnal Ilmu Kesehatan Issued 2 (two) times in 1 (one) year. With details of the number 1 (one) in April and on number 2 (two) in October.


Open Access Policy

JIK p-ISSN Journal; 2580-93, e-ISSN: 2597-8594) provides instant access to its content by adhering to the principle that making research freely available to the public will support the exchange of knowledge more globally. Articles that are otherwise accepted will be available and freely downloaded from this JIK portal.



This journal utilizes the LOCKSS system to create a distributed archiving system among participating libraries and permits those libraries to create permanent archives of the journal for purposes of preservation and restoration. More...


Publication Ethics

Publication Ethics

JIK (Jurnal Ilmu Kesehatan)  (e-ISSN 2597-8594) is a peer-reviewed journal published by STIkes Alifah Padang. This agreement clarifies the ethical behavior of all parties involved in the act of publishing an article in this journal, including the author, the chief editor, the Editorial Board, the peer-reviewer­­­­­ , and the publisher. This statement based on COPE’s Best Practice Guidelines for Journal Editors.

Responsibilities JIK Editor-in-Chief, Managing Editor and  Section Editor-in-Chief Editor


The JIK has an editorial team consisting of an editor-in-chief, a managing editor and section editors. They all are required to be accountable and responsible editors for publishing the JIK article. The JIK section editors led by the editor-in-chief. The Editorial Board of JIK have a duty and responsibility as follows:

  1. Editor-in-Chief and Managing Editor accept articles submitted by the author to the JIK.
  2. The Editor-in-Chief or Managing Editor distribute articles submitted by the authors to the JIK to the section editors for conducting the 1st review process (initial review). Distribution of the articles is well-regulated by the Editor-in-Chief, or Managing Editor so the workload can fairly distribute in number to all section editors. Review process JIK using a double-blind peer-review system, performed by using the Referee's Appraisal Form.
  3. Editor-in-Chief is responsible for determining the deadline for receipt of articles that are ready for publication.

Editor-in-Chief is responsible for implementing and leading the editorial board meeting. Editorial board meetings conducted at least 1 (one) times in 1 (one) issue, to finalize the issue for publication. If the Editor-in-Chief is absent, then Editor-in-Chief can assign the Managing Editor or one of the section editors to do the duties.


Ethical Guideline for Journal Publication

The publication of an article in a peer-reviewed journal is an essential building block in the development of a coherent and respected network of knowledge. It is a direct reflection of the quality of the work of the authors and the institutions that support them. Peer-reviewed articles support and embody the scientific method. It is therefore important to agree upon standards of expected ethical behavior for all parties involved in the act of publishing: the author, the journal editor, the peer reviewer, the publisher, and the society.

Publication decisions

The editor of JIK is responsible for deciding which of the articles submitted to the journal should be published. The validation of the work in question and its importance to researchers and readers must always drive such decisions. The editors may be guided by the policies of the journal's editorial board and constrained by such legal requirements as shall then be in force regarding libel, copyright infringement and plagiarism. The editors may confer with other editors or reviewers in making this decision.

Copyright Transfer Agreement

The corresponding author should confirm that the content of the manuscript or a major portion of the article has not been published previously in a refereed journal, and it is not being submitted fully or partially for publication elsewhere. They should notice that the manuscript has been read and agreed by all listed authors.

After publication corresponding author should sign the Copyright Transfer Agreement Form, which includes the following items:

 A) Copyright

1- The Author and each co-author shall transfer and sell to the Publisher for the length of the copyright,  starting from the moment the present Agreement comes into force the exclusive rights to the Materials, including the rights to translate, reproduce, transfer, distribute or otherwise use the Materials or parts (fragments) contained therein.

2- Reproduction, placement, transfer, or any other distribution or use of the Materials, or any parts of the Materials contained therein. In any way permitted under this Agreement, shall be accompanied by a reference to the Journal and mentioned of the Publisher, namely: the title of the article, the name of the Author (Co-authors), the name of the Journal, volume/number, copyright of the publisher.

B) Reserved Rights

The Author (Co-authors) or the employer of the Author (Co-authors) of the Materials shall retain all proprietary rights (except the rights transferred to the Publisher under the present Agreement).

C) Author Guarantee

The Author (Co-authors) guarantees that the Materials are original work, submitted only to JIK (Jurnal Ilmu Kesehatan), and have not published previously.

In case the Materials were written jointly with Co-authors, the Author guarantees that he/she has informed them of the terms of this Agreement and obtained their signatures or written permission to sign on their behalf.


The Author guarantees as well that:

Materials do not contain defamatory statements.

The Materials do not infringe on other persons' rights (including without limitation copyrights, patent rights, and the trademark right).

The Materials do not contain facts or instructions that can cause damage or injury to third parties, and their publication does not cause the disclosure of any secret or confidential information.

D) Originality and Plagiarism

The authors should ensure that they have written entirely original works and if the authors have used the work and words of others, that this has appropriately cited or quoted.